Code Solitaree

DARE ! Did you get it? Did you think we were just putting dots or Pac Man in our logo ?

Well, no… Our solitude experiences find their source in shipwrecked situations as well as very isolated hermit life dating centuries. And one of the emergency call signs known world wide to rescue those, is SOS — popular etymology an abbreviation of ‘save our souls’ or ‘save our ship’ — since early 20th century; they were letters chosen as being easily transmitted and recognized in Morse code thanks to there very distinct pattern  ··· --- ···

Today Solitaree uses Morse code language first to pay tribute to those people and their ordeals, but also in a more modern fashion to call anyone to challenge themselves, to overcome modern bustling times and find an opportunity to be challenged: we call you to disconnect and try the rare experience of silence and peace with us — dare -·· ·- ·-· · !

Turning point of your life

A Turning Point

We are the Hermit experience Specialist. Whether in luxury or minimalism, we do not sell ‘almost’ solitude experience, or ‘fake’ hermit experiences. With Solitaree you get the real deal.

One of our goals is to create a turning point in your life by giving you the opportunity to experience remote locations and solitude.

A turning point to question your lifestyle and your existence as it was. By going against mass tourism we are one of the early contributors to a tourism with highly regarded human and environmental values, bringing a brick to the wall of change.

And as such, as small as we are, Solitaree is a pioneer in the philosophy of ‘enough’ by leading the change of mind set.

Solitaree is Born of two things

  • The marriage of two minds and skills: BaikalNature and No Limit Journeys, with very complementary knowledge, skills and vision.
  • A time in world history where change of attitude and perception are key: more and more individuals want to connect to local knowledge but also experience isolation. Solitude is the new black and with Covid-19 it will become obvious!

Our own experience

As an independent Australia and Russia based travel company we are specialised in true isolation so called ‘hermit experiences’.

We deliver never seen before programmes in rare destination at affordable prices: we do not do this by piggy backing on others product but only by relying on our explorations, just where others don't dare stepping.

Total Isolation

To understand better: contrary to others we only sell product we have designed based on our own network and experience; we do not on sale any product from anybody. Additionally we deliver absolute seclusion: when we advertise that you are alone (as a person or a group) you truly are alone. And for miles! And when we talk about survival experience, it is nothing else but you, one tool and the wilderness.

Where others don't step

Indeed, we strive to design unique products that challenge customers both in the mind and the body. We can only take travellers to the more remote parts of the world where other agencies don't go. Because we believe that to deliver a true experience that create a turning point in life, you need to challenge individuals, breaks their prejudices and the common boundaries of understanding. You need to go far and be bold.

Stress free, zero impact

Our products are simple all in one (to remove any stress consequently allowing to give the best chance to focus on the experience). To achieve this we have to know and understand well our local teams, our working environments both culturally and environmentally and minimise any negative impact we might have on people and nature.

We value building relations with our local teams, empowering them and giving them the wealth (and pleasure) that comes with success we are also very proud to have them know and claim our uniqueness!

The Founders

Cyril Delafosse-Guiramand

Co-Founder, CEO

Cyril doesn't fit stereotypes. He has heard all his life that he is a “Frog” or to explain his unconventional attitude: “that’s because he is french”. “Throw it back to the caricature!” he would say. But the truth is, born french outside of France, he grew up mostly abroad and by the time he was 18 he had lived in almost 10 countries and had no intention to settle. Now in his early 40ies he has trouble filling out the police clearance form as he cant remember the chronology of all the places he lived in. Negative to Positive: he now speaks fluently 4 languages. Business school was his saviour! He’s been in Marketing and Adventure ever since.

By the time he met Pavel in 2008, he had learnt to fly airplanes, sail boats and undertaken long distance walking expeditions totalling more than 30,000km (notably Siberia to Laos, black sea to baltic sea, or across the ‘Stans). As an inquisitive mind, he loves history and has a strong interest in geopolitics. The deep connection he has to nature combined with the ‘back to basics’ attitude, lead him to formalise a specific approach to survival. It is based on technics learnt during light weight expeditions (thanks to specific local survival knowhow and mistake made!). He shares this knowledge in outdoors survival and resilience training and has been a technical advisor on movie productions.

He knows very well what he is talking about when it comes to isolation and its management. And obviously he could not keep secret the importance of experiencing solitude to live better.

He owns No Limit Journeys, a worldwide adventure travel agency, and implements most of the extreme stuff portfolio of Solitaree. Cyril looks after Oceania and the Pacific.


Pavel Ageychenko

Co-founder, CMO

When talking about Russia, stereotypes remain strong and fear of the nation high! Well, then you should meet Pavel. Pavel is the antinomy of those perilous ideas. Pavel is why we want you to discover Russia: young, smart, multilingual, creative, adventurous, modern and free! He is a product of soviet education, grown in perestroika and developed under the ‘new order’: born in Irkutsk in the early 80ies, Siberia, he studied foreign languages, with international exchanges, did the usual conscription stint in the army and deployed his adventure entrepreneurial wings never to close them. With over 13 years of running his Inbound adventure Siberian travel agency, BaikalNature, his knowledge of the this continent is un-paralleled. Saying that he has criss-crossed Eastern Siberia is wrong: he knowns every single corners of it - and though he has been exposed to many dangers, his excellent risk mitigation skill has kept him alive all along.

And this is the point, he is the best of our two worlds: very Russian in that there never is a problem or an adventure that can not be undertaken; he can live with fermented milk and Dosharak, can weigh 70kg wet and resist the harshest of colds, has an indestructible Cartesian spirit but at the same time can appreciate the Western mind, speaks better French than a French, remains very clear minded, understands what customers need. He is a spirit boiling with life, energy and ideas, coupled with a great sense of things and a deep photographic eye.

Based now in Saint-Petersburg, Pavel looks after the European Market, our marketing and the back office systems. He continues to be the Siberia adventure specialist for us.

He might even be a spy, we dont know.


Solitude is the new black