Here you will find some of the answers to your questions about Solitaree products and lifestyle.

Solitaree is a Specialist Travel designer. And at the same time we are 'travel creator' also called 'experience designer’. Solitaree sells products/itineraries that are booked by Travel Agencies (B2B) or Direct Customers (B2C).
Solitaree has its admin office in Canberra, Australia.

This office is NOT open to the public: 21 Aspinall Street, WATSON 2602 , ACT - Australia, +61 (0)402 293 531
You can reach us by Phone: +61 (0)402 293 531, WhatsApp: +61 (0)402 293 531 or email:
Our business hours - 8am - 6pm, Mon - Sat, GMT+10 - but actually answer messages 7/7.
Yes we have an office which is located in Canberra, but it is NOT open to the public as it is only for the administration of the agency. For any meeting we come to you, meet at our partner agency or meet in our meeting room in Braddon, Canberra. We can also do Video calls if we are too far from each other.
A. For professionals: Commissions per departure are standard. Please contact us for more information.

B. For individuals: we accept usual direct bank transfers, most bank cards. In some cases there might be a transaction fee that depend on your bank and bank card type. You will be advised when placing the order online or on the phone.

Contact usfor more details.
All suppliers used have to comply with local laws and will have the required insurance.

In some cases some activities cannot be covered because insurance do not provide cover for such activities. In that case, it is mentioned and a liability disclaimer will have to be signed by customers should the activity be undertaken.

The cancellation, evacuation, travel or repatriation insurance for example are not included in the itinerary and are the responsibility of the customer.
You should purchase a travel insurance or/and an medical evacuation/repatriation insurance. A policy to cover cancellation could be good, should you want to protect yourself from un expected occurrence at your end.

In some cases we can not let your depart without proof of Insurance Cover.

Often Credit Cards include an insurance covering your purchased services/products; refer to your credit card contract for more details.
Solitaree take safety very seriously as our journeys are challenging. We minimise risks by identifying them and preparing for them. We perform risk assessments and use those to determine whether an itinerary is safe enough or not. But a lot also rests in your hands and acting mindfully and carefully during the trip is vital. The area your heading into is always known to your experienced guide and he/she will adapt the route accordingly. We know the region very well and keep monitoring all elements that could impact on the journey's safety through our local networks. We do not hesitate to 'pull the plug' if security or safety are no longer satisfying. We want you to enjoy your experience so we will always prefer to miss out than be sorry.
Yes we do and they are 'real survival experiences', not like what you see on TV. You are given access to a remote location (remote island, deep tropical forest, taiga, ...) for the duration of your stay and a survival guide to help, should you want one. For the rest it is up to you; you'll be a changed person when you come out of it !
Solitaree is a ‘Hermit Experience’ specialist travel designer also called ‘Solitude Experiences’ specialist travel designer. We design unique, customised solitude adventures that aim to challenge the intrepid traveller, both mentally and physically.

For more please also read our presentation page About us and the answer to the question 'are you a travel agent / an agency'? above'.
Solitary is born of the ‘marriage’ between No Limit Journeys and BaikalNature. Both have been providing travel adventures, survival experiences, hermit experiences and many other kind of adventures for a combined 20 years. We have travelled the world in the most amazing fashion and have a serious passion to share what we have discovered and consequently have worked in the most remote and less visited locations in the world. These rare travel experiences have allowed us to provide services to various industries such as Movie industry, Education and Research, Sports and Documentary but also and mostly Tourism. is a secure website. We have taken measures to protect and prevent any loss of data. On this website, no financial transaction is done nor any information is held.

Any data that might be gathered on users is stored and backed up on secure services protected by firewalls and in separate remote locations.

Our website does not do nor host financial transactions as they happen from bank to bank. See the 'how can i pay ?' section for more information.

All information we receive from you is regulated by our privacy policy.
We at Solitaree set up all the travel arrangements of our tour packages in close cooperation with trusted local suppliers in each of our destinations. This is done regardless of the way our packages are sold to customers.

Flights to destination are the only arrangement that we do not set up. We provide all necessary information to organise flights to this destination.
For any booking whether you are a business or a private individual seeking to use our packages all happens by email or phone. An initial deposit can be done via our website, but all balances of such packages are done over email and with dedicated payment links to our financial transaction partner institution.
All travel arrangements should be booked at least 30 days in advance so all suppliers can be given enough notice to welcome you in the best conditions. And to guarantee you a place!
If you are a business (travel agent / tour operator) all payments will be done by bank transfer.

If you are a private individual, payments will be done with a credit card online via a secure link to our financial institution, alternatively it can be done by bank transfer.
Most of our trips are not children friendly. Trips we organise are quite challenging, demanding and require most of the time that customers be over 21 years old. So, no, we do not offer discount for children. But some travels are more children friendly than others so, please contact us to check that your preferred itinerary welcomes kids.
Solitaree prices are all in Australian Dollars (AUD).
Please contact us as soon as possible if you must change or cancel your travel plans. Cancellation requests must be submitted to us in writing — by e-mail is fine. We regret that we are unable to issue a full refund for cancellations. The cancellation fee generally depends on the length of notice, type of booking and refund policies of our local providers. Unfortunately they vary tremendously and we cannot offer a definite one fit all answer. For more information, please contact us or read our refund/cancellation policy in the footer of each page.
Most of the time the rule for such cancellation is as follow:

— if this decision is made by the customer (not to participate) then there is no refund, no exchange.
— if the decision is made by the supplier; they will offer refund or an activity swap at no additional cost.
Inform your guide of your emergency will take care of you, as well as inform us immediately.

You can also contact us at any time on 24/7 contact number provided with your Information Pack delivered upon confirmation of your booking.

We urge you to rely on our guide or operation manager as they are trained and know very well what procedures to implement (contact us, local doctors, medivac, extraction, emergencies services, etc.).
In most cases airfares are not included To or From destination because most travellers come from different places. And everybody has different tastes and requirements when it comes to flying. But if you need help, we can tell you about flight options to your destination or get your flights booked with a flight booking partner.
No we do not arrange visa mostly because we do not want to manage the risk of holding your passport. This said we can recommend that you use the service of the closest embassy to you for that particular country or a visa service provider.
Most trips have a 21 year old minimum age policy. But each trip is different so please refer to their itinerary presentation and you'll have the right information. Should you still need help feel free to contact us.
Some trips are very very very challenging and demanding. For those demanding journeys, a medical clearance by a travel doctor on our list is compulsory. Failure to provide it will prevent you to travel on that itinerary. Please contact us for more information about the medical clearance.
Solitaree is a tourism service provider that endeavours to facilitate access to off the beaten tracks travel itineraries to travel agencies and tour operators. But we also have requests from 'holidayer'. In that particular case as Solitaree is not a travel agent we cannot sell the itinerary to a private individual but a partner travel agent will.
Yes we do have scheduled journeys. Check on the website 'scheduled journeys’ page or send us an email to get our complete list.
We surely do. We love it. We have an extensive questionnaire to help you find out what you are after if you don't know. Otherwise let us know what your dream is about and we will put it together.
At Solitaree we are specialised in Solitude Experience, Hermit Experiences. They can be done alone or in a small group of your choice. Our peripheral to hermit life, survival or solitude life: food gathering (hunting, fishing, picking, harvesting), contenplation (walking, birdwatching, kayaking, etc.). If you want to know more about a particular destination’s possible activities contact us.
Before and after your Survival or Hermit experience, all meals are included.

If you are in Glamping Experience it is most likely full board unless you specify against it. The reason to include it is to remove (physically and mentally) all contingency questions that might keep you connected to your day to day - usual life. We want to remove any form of stress you might face during the journey.
We use local agencies to implement the logistics and guiding. We select them because we have experienced them but also because we know their high level of competence, efficiency but also and mainly their ability to solve problems. Our local guides know best their region and its intricacies. We have developed a long term friendship with them, as we know them now for a long time.
We know each of these destinations very well because we have been there personally. This is how we build our network of local suppliers too. Each of our trip/itinerary, is an itinerary we have done and tested many times before. We have extracted the best of it and made a concentrate of goodness for you to enjoy!
Let's put it this way: an 'Survival journey' is a journey where you'll be in pain, be challenged come out so different you'll quit your job! It could be a survival experience on a desert island in the pacific or a long walk in the taiga forest.

Survival: no food, no shelter, no water, no service, no amenities, a few tools and a VHF radio;
Hermit: a little bit of food, a hut, some water, no service, no amenities, tools and VHF radio;
Glamping: a lot of food, a rustic but nice camping set up or bungalow, as much water as you want, services: staff cooking - cleaning - organising activities, shower - toilets.
Yes if you want an exclusive trip we can do it.
Most of the tours have a guide to lead them. But some programs might not require it. It is best to refer to the detailed itinerary to confirm, otherwise contact us.
We do not have a shop front because we are an online agency.