A tiny hut far from civilisation, the sound of silence, a river down below and the forest as far as you can see are your companions. With a few supplies, a bunk and farm table, a basket and a stick, that’s what it is to be a hermit. It is about simplicity, and traveling down into yourself.
Words are best replaced by pictures: so close your eyes and imagine this; a hut in the taiga forest, or by a Chilean fjord, or maybe on a secluded island in the pacific ocean; enough supplies to take hunger away; a basic accommodation with no fuss, and fresh water; alone or with your family, there is nobody around for at least a day’s walk; you need to collect water at the river, pick wood and make your own bread; if you want to read a book or write one it’s up to you; there is no power, no radio, no communications to the outside world: this is for you to take the time, discover your time, and fall deep into a basic life without stress. The perfect way to listen your inner bit and start the conversation. It is to be a hermit.

Tonga Hermit
This is not your typical holiday adventure. The concept of this experience is to test your mental and physical abilities, learn how you would react in an emergency setting, and the skills you need to survive.
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Chile Hermit
This is not your typical holiday adventure. The concept of this experience is to test your mental and physical abilities, learn how you would react in an emergency setting, and the skills you need to survive.
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Siberia Hermit
This is not your typical holiday adventure. The concept of this experience is to test your mental and physical abilities, learn how you would react in an emergency setting, and the skills you need to survive.
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